Jilin High-tech Zone held a special deployment meeting on flood control work

来源:   时间: 2024-06-27 16:16

  On June 27, the Management Committee of Jilin High-tech Zone held a special deployment meeting on flood control work。Jiao Jiguo, director of the Management Committee of High-tech Zone, attended the meeting and made a speech。Su Changcheng, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of High-tech Zone, and Wang Li, deputy director of the Management Committee, attended the meeting。


  The meeting required that the emergency Management Bureau should formulate emergency drill plans and arrangements around various fields and units, coordinate the whole region's material warehouse, and sort out the material list。Strengthen the allocation of communication equipment to ensure smooth communication of key units, and make up for all flood control personnel equipment。Strengthen organizational support, set up a leading group for flood control and drought relief, and clarify the division of responsibilities for each responsible leader。The Housing and Construction Bureau should straighten out the responsibility of flood prevention on sections prone to waterlogging。Rationalize responsibilities from three aspects: the director of Housing Bureau, the territory of Gaoxin Street and the execution of New North Company, clarify work tasks and establish working mechanism;Clarify the responsibility and task of flood control in the underground space of the property community。The Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources should do a good risk assessment for the hidden danger points of geological disasters in the garbage disposal center in the North District。The Urban-Rural Integration Development Bureau shall unblock the information sharing mechanism with superior water conservancy departments and upstream reservoir units of key rivers, and work with the emergency Management Bureau to do a good job of water situation and rain situation research and analysis, and timely arrange and deploy emergency flood prevention and disposal。The Commerce Bureau should effectively increase the supply of emergency flood control and protection materials to ensure that they can meet emergency use。The finance bureau should immediately carry out the inventory of flood control materials and sort out the list。

  The meeting required that the flood control work plan should be further improved and refined, and the management of materials, personnel, responsibilities and other aspects should be listed to ensure that the work can be guided in an orderly manner during wartime。

  The meeting informed the high-tech zone of the 2024 flood season work plan, housing and construction Bureau, Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, urban and rural integration Development Bureau, Development, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Health Bureau, Gaoxin Street, New North Street, fire brigade and other departments and units reported the flood prevention risk point research and evaluation situation and preventive measures。

  Jilin High-tech Zone Safety Committee member units relevant responsible persons attended the meeting。(Zhai Xiaohui, Emergency Management Bureau)